Engineering Digital Excellence

We accelerate the development of your company through outstanding brand experiences and relevant added value.

Kyiv Tribe

We understand complicated things and make them simple. We are able to see every detail as well as the big picture. We plan precisely and react spontaneously. We fight for the best idea and satisfied customers. We love our agency, our work and the life itself. 

Alexander Strizhakov

Site management Kiev

+380 63 779 75-32

Engineering Director Alexander is responsible for corporate development at the Kiev site. He has both feet firmly planted in his fast-paced environment and uses agile methods to optimise Blackbit's operational processes. To do this, he sets up project teams, implements SDLC practices in all areas of the company and develops cross-organisational and cross-project processes.

Alexander Tkachuk

Frontend development

+49 551 506 75-0

Highly motivated and with a clear focus, Alexander routinely steers through the frontend. The computer engineer combines art and science in his work as a frontend developer and makes the customers' wishes come true with Styla, PhpStorm & Co. The goal: a clearly structured and high-quality code for a flawless playout.

He is still working on his work-life balance, but one thing is clear: no matter whether it's private or professional - nothing works without coffee!

Natalia Beznosko


+380 63 779 75-32

Our UX/UI-Designer with a big passion for technology. As soon as Natalia sits at the laptop and the hot coffee steams in the cup next to her, her thoughts flow almost by themselves. "If you can dream it, you can achieve it" is more than just a guiding principle for her: she lives and loves designing and outgrows herself every day. On weekends, she likes to retreat and loves spending time with her family, preferably by the sea.

Sergey Kiryakhno

Project management

+49 551 506 75-0

Bridge-builder, understanding and mediator: Sergey listens, translates and creates clarity. After studying German, he gained experience in project management. His overview, combined with his communication skills, makes him the ideal link between Germany and Ukraine. Thus, he builds bridges by coordinating transcontinental IT projects for Blackbit with charm and experience.

After work, he exercises his open mind in strategic thinking with a game of chess or lets his thoughts run free while cycling - the main thing is to be far away from the computer.

Valeriia Zaviriukha

Frontend development

+380 63 779 75-32

For Valeriia, developing a deeper understanding means not just scratching the surface, but diving deep into a subject. Shopware 6, CMS, xt:Commerce and Styla - Valeriia has already acquired a decent portfolio, which she is continuously expanding. Her latest hobbyhorse is the JavaScript web framework Vue.js. In her private life, too, she is very inquisitive: she is passionate about history, costumes from different eras and the way of life of the people - whereby she prefers the renaissance of Italy and Spain. She strictly separates these very different fields of interest and keeps her tasks in focus.

Yuliia Shynder

UX/UI design

+380 63 779 75-32

Yuliia is no stranger to the concept of work-life balance, quite the opposite: as a UX/UI designer, she not only sees design as a tool for web design in client projects, she also finds the aspects of UX/UI in her everyday life. Everything she touches, she does with enthusiasm and dedication - be it the perfect interface for a web shop or the detailed, artistic embroidery of a cushion. Yulia's passion for design is boundless, just like her love for cats.

Vyacheslav Semeniy

QA Automation Engineering

+380 63 779 75-32

The fact that Vyacheslav likes to take responsibility for things explains his choice of profession, because the quality automation developer checks whether everything is running as it should. If that's not the case, he gets behind it until it works again. When he's not busy looking for improvements and optimisation options, he's deepening his Python knowledge for an automated efficient workflow. A perfect Sunday for him means spending time with his wife or optimising his skills on the wakeboard.

Anton Pomyluiko

Frontend development

Highly motivated, inquisitive and persevering: Anton works on his skills and realises the wishes of our customers in the frontend. Fine-tuned interfaces with precise designs, intuitive design of multi-page websites and outstanding results for mobile devices - the frontend developer knows what matters.

With his Master's degree in Metrology and Information Measurement Technology from the renowned Polytechnic Institute Ihor Sikorskyj in Kiev and as a true Pimcore enthusiast, he is therefore exactly right for Blackbit! In his private life, he is passionate about the football club Arsenal London.

Yurii Tartachnyi

Big Commerce Frontend Development

Yurii is our expert for all BigCommerce projects. He loves the challenges that come with his work as a front-end developer and is tireless in his search for the optimal solution - tailor-made for his customers.

In his free time, he likes to travel with his family and dog or enjoy board game evenings with his friends.

Dmytro Derkach

Backend development

Dmytro always keeps his cool. No matter what challenges life has in store for him.
has in store for him. As a self-taught backend developer specialising in Pimcore,
Dmytro remains optimistic, thanks in part to the support of his family and his loyal dog.
For them, he would like to build or buy his own house one day - and then wander off into the
far away. Because his big dream is a long voyage on a big cruise ship.
cruise ship.

Andrii Fedorchenko

Frontend development

Deviation from the standard in the most positive sense - that is Andrii's task in frontend development. He programmes his unusual solutions with React Native or Vue.js and ensures in quality management that no bugs have crept in.
He recovers from the working day with music on his ears and a visit to the gym. At the top of his bucket list is the dream of owning his own country house. Preferably close to the forest, because if Andrii were a plant, it would be a mighty old Sequoia.

Blackbit Leaders

Stefano Viani

CEO & Founder, Göttingen

Nadine Bisikati

Management, Göttingen

Daniel Gerlach

CEO, Göttingen

Alexander Strizhakov

Engineering Director, Kiev

How we work

We are a guide to the world of innovation and acceleration for the development of your company. We help identify problems and suggest solutions. From us you will receive new tools and information on their use. We work clearly and quickly, and it will be easy for you to communicate with us. We will remain a good advisor for your company even after completing the task. You can count on us!

Our Mission

We accelerate the development of your company in digital trade through outstanding brand experiences and relevant added value.

To do this, we rely on leading technologies, an agile corporate organization and innovative methods that put people as users, business partners and employees at the center of our actions.

In this way we make our contribution to shaping the future positively.

Our vision

Blackbit is an internationally recognized agency brand for digital commerce. Blackbit stands for holistic strategies, agile methods and their successful implementation. An agile customer- and employee-oriented organizational structure ensures high profitability.

Our Core Values

We are a guide to the world of innovation and acceleration for the development of your company. We help identify problems and suggest solutions. From us you will receive new tools and information on their use. We work clearly and quickly, and it will be easy for you to communicate with us. We will remain a good advisor for your company even after completing the task. You can count on us!

What can we do for you? | +49(0)551 506 750