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Marketing for your success in e-commerce: from SEO and SEA to social media marketing, newsletter and email marketing to affiliate marketing.

E-commerce marketing is highly effective when it is carried out in a continuous cycle of action, measurement, analysis and optimization and follows a comprehensive strategy. It encompasses all online marketing methods: search engine optimization (SEO), search engine advertising (SEA), social media marketing (SMM), newsletter and email marketing as well as affiliate marketing.

Roadmap for the Efficiency of Digital Commerce

The Digital Commerce Efficiency Roadmap is a guide for the concrete implementation of online marketing activities in e-commerce. The roadmap is divided into three topics, each with three focal points. The topics and focus areas build on each other so that related activities can reach their full potential. The measures complement the key performance indicators, which we use to check whether our measures are having the desired effect. We work on each topic over a certain period of time, which should not be less than three months. If we were to change topics more quickly, the focus would be lost and the success of the marketing activities would be jeopardized.

Platforms and Opportunities

Due to the interplay of activities on and off the field and the multitude of methods, platforms and opportunities offered by online marketing, there is a risk of quickly losing touch. Without an e-commerce strategy, success in online retail largely depends on chance. But even with a strategy and clear goals, practical guidelines for effective implementation support Blackbit specialists in their daily work.

E-commerce Development Strategy

Many service providers specialize in the creation and programming of online stores. Others concentrate on online marketing. A comprehensive marketing plan that goes beyond increasing sales is often only rudimentary. Successful e-commerce development is not possible without a combination of strategy, platform and e-business development. The design and structure of the online store as well as further marketing should be in line with the strategy, which aims to name specific goals and describe how these are to be achieved.

Black and white drawing of a rocket flying into the sky symbolizes progress and discovery

Blackbit works with you to develop a strategy or review an existing strategy. We analyze your online store, make suggestions for improvement or offer a relaunch and, if necessary, implement it on leading e-commerce platforms. Our flexible interdisciplinary teams of developers and marketers ensure that onsite and offsite activities go hand in hand.